Moving Along

Hiatus Report: Pat Wetzel, Urmi Hossain, Nina Costa and Weekend in Ogunquit

Episode Summary

Where we've been lately and exciting guests we've got coming in the next few months. Nan and Christi went to Ogunquit for a brief getaway, but a dog-walking accident curtailed a lot of plans. Plus, RIP to a dear friend and Moving Along guest.

Episode Notes

Where have we been? Here's a brief rundown on what's been happening. The broken arm (oops!) thanks to a dog-walking accident in early August. No vacation! But a weekend getaway Nan and Christi took to Ogunquit, Maine, staying on the beach. And a sad RIP for a former Moving Along podcast guest and dear friend. 

Coming up in the next few months: Pat Wetzel, host of Bump in the Road podcast and her book of the same name; Urmi Hossain on her journey as a Bengali-Italian from Italy to Montreal; Lovelace Cook on her work with FEMA in the Southern U.S. and her forthcoming book Meet Me in Mumbai; and Nina Costa, who toured the world with beloved New Orleans musician Dr. John and then the U.S. with Steve Martin and Marty Short.  

Episode Transcription

Christi: [00:00:00] Welcome back to Moving Along, the podcast that explores travel, relocation, and life transitions. We've been on hiatus for a few months. And a lot has happened in the last few months, but I wanted to let you know, we have a great, great lineup of new guests coming soon.

We're going to be posting monthly, which I think is a... doable schedule for me and for the podcast and for our guests. First, I want to tell you what's happened. Oh, my gosh. I broke my arm in the beginning of August while walking the neighbor's dog.

He is an adorable, adorable, 70 pound, 3 year old puppy. Puppy brain took off on me in the night. And thankfully, Puppy's [00:01:00] mom was there nearby and was able to... get him and everything, but I kind of landed half in the flower garden and half on the sidewalk. So three hours in the ER and I'm getting better, which is great.

In fact, I'm, I'm really getting better. I just started physical therapy last week. So, what that meant was a lot of things changed in August and September and October. we Did not go to Maine for vacation, although we did get away for a weekend to Ogunquit. Staying in a lovely... Guesthouse on the Marginal Way in Ogunquit 

It was a surprise how nice it was and to be right there on the Marginal Way, which is this long path that meanders right along the coast north from, or actually I should say south [00:02:00] from Ogunquit proper and past the beach up into the rocks with park benches along the way Anyway, so we would have lost our deposit if we hadn't gone.

Then we got some sad news also. You may remember I did an interview with Deborah Sundahl, who is a sex educator and travels around Europe. Teaching other women about female ejaculation and the G spot. 

It was a fun interview to do. And it was posted earlier this year. No, it was posted at the very, very end of 2022. Well, in. January of this year, 2023, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and they told her, the doctors, that Even if she tried immunotherapy and some of the, these new therapies [00:03:00] that are working for people with stomach cancer that her chances of surviving were about 35%.

And she really kind of thought about it and said, You know, I've had a good life and she decided not to do the treatments. So she went to Montana where she had been living and her former partner and her son, who lives in Billings, came and took care of her. She died in June and in July Nan and I went to her memorial service in Minneapolis with her family 

that's where Deborah grew up. Now, mind you, Nan and Deborah were business partners and best friends for more than 40 years. Nan did have the opportunity to go and see Deborah in May in Montana, which was [00:04:00] just really very important for both of them. And so that's the sad news, but the good news is my arm is healing and we're back on track with Moving Along.

So coming up, we have an author and podcast host named Pat Wetzel, who dives deep into how people confront and overcome obstacles.

Her podcast is called Bump in the Road, also the title of her new book, which takes the stories of 15 of her podcast guests and talks about their very unusual bumps in the road. We have Ermi Hossain

who is a Bengali Italian financial specialist living in Montreal, and Ermi is dedicated to helping women and girls with finances and independence, [00:05:00] living their best lives.

We'll talk with Ermi about her journey to Canada and the cultural shifts she's faced along the way. Lovelace Cooke works with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which you may know as FEMA here in the United States. She is on the ground after disasters helping people cope with the tragedy of losing their homes and communities.

Plus, she is the author of a new memoir out soon called Meet Me in Mumbai. 

Nina Costa is a dancer who having found her way to New Orleans from the Pacific Northwest, ended up touring the world with the great musician, Dr. John, after his death, she then toured the U. S. with Steve Martin and Marty Short when they [00:06:00] were on the road doing their comedy standup routine. These are just a few of the... guests we have lined up for Moving Along. I hope you'll find these people and their stories, as fascinating and inspiring as I have. 

Here you'll find, the wisdom born of experience as well as tips and insights on creating your own next adventure. If you'd like to contact me, please email me at at

That's C H R I S T I at movingalongpodcast. com.

We look forward to having you here and we'll see you again soon.